Lifelong Learning

Nazarene ministers are to complete at least 20 hours of lifelong learning each year. Lifelong learning involves participating in opportunities that contribute significantly to the development of your abilities and understanding as a minister of the gospel. Conferences, district training seminars, continuing education courses from educational institutions or professional groups, webcasts, reading a professional journal, and joining others in reading and discussing a book are examples of activities that qualify as lifelong learning. Such activities qualify whether accessed online or attended in person. On the other hand, the daily practice of ministry (such as pastoral care or sermon preparation), viewing an informative television program or listening to a presentation at a community gathering normally would not qualify as professional development. Show discretion in selecting valid continuing education experiences. Your district administrators or regional office can assist in determining whether an activity qualifies as lifelong learning. To register please click here.

Learning Opportunities

The Lifelong Learning Registry is designed to empower Nazarene clergy to self-select and self-report your participation in lifelong learning and is built on the assumption of your integrity and desire to serve effectively.

There are many opportunities for lifelong learning. It is best to focus on what you need to enhance your ministry and yourself as a minister. Look for opportunities that push you into a new area of learning and requires that you wrestle with new ideas or gain new skills. Then, select opportunities that connect with all four areas of development: Content, Competency, Context and Character.

Here are a few suggestions:
Center for Pastoral Leadership
Northwest Nazarene University