Ministerial Preparation

God is still in the process of calling men and women to places of leadership in His Church.

With that in mind, the mission of Central Cal Board of Ministerial Development is to train, assess and mentor all who are seeking to make a faithful response to that call. Our goal is to walk beside ‘Ministers in Training’ (MIT) as they seek to fulfill the general education and service requirements for ordination as outlined by the Church of the Nazarene.

While we are committed to encouraging men and women through the process, it is vitally important that they demonstrate personal initiative in their preparation and training. We would strongly encourage all MIT to become familiar with the expectations.

Register a Call to Ministry

Called to Ministry Checklist

Called to Ministry

  I have shared my call to ministry with my pastor.
  I have read the Ministry and Christian Service section of the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. 
     (Manual of the Church of the Nazarene, Guide to Ministerial Preparation and Ordination).
  I have registered my call to ministry with the District here.

Local Minister's License

  I have entered into a covenant relationship with my Pastor.
  I have completed a Live Scan, California’s National Background check required for ministry.
  I have applied for a Local Minister’s License with the Church Board of my local church.
  My pastor has sent my application for a local license to the CCD District Office to begin a Student Record for the Modular Course of Study program.
  If applicable, I have provided official transcripts of completed College, University, or Course of Study coursework to the Director of Ministerial Studies at and the CCD District Office at
  I have begun my first course in preparation for ministry.
  My local church board has renewed my Local Minister’s License as is required annually from the date of issue of the previous license, until a District License is granted, at which time you apply for you District License annually.
  I have communicated with the Board of Ministerial Preparation if I have a divorce in my past.
  If previously divorced, I have gone through the process to officially have the “Divorce Barrier to a District License” removed.
  I understand this involves the CCD Board of Ministerial Preparation and the General Superintendent in Jurisdiction (JGS).
  I am completing at least two modular classes a year as is required for each licensed student.

District Minister's License

  I have been Local Licensed for at least year.
  I have completed the first six required classes from an accredited Nazarene Course of Study toward ordination.
  If I have been previously divorced, I realize that a District License can only be granted with the removal of the “Divorce Barrier” and will request an application from the District Office.
  I have submitted the name of an elder or retired elder as my mentor and, after approval, have arranged to meet with them at least twice a month to discuss my spiritual formation, my ministry and my family.
  I have been recommended for a District License by the church board of my local church, or the District Advisory Board if I am serving as the pastor of my church.
  I have applied for a District License with the District Board of Ministerial Preparation by sending my application to the Central Cal District Office.
  I have interviewed with my Missional Area Coach and interviewing committee.
  I have interviewed for a District License with the Board of Ministerial Preparation.
  I have begun my Supervised Ministry Experience Portfolio and take it to each annual Missional Area Interview with the Missional Area Coach and Interview Committee.
  I have received my first District License.
  I have renewed my District License each year 12 months from the issuance of the previous license.
  I and my spouse have attended the Ministerial Candidate Workshop in my first or second year as a District Licensed Pastor which is also a requirement for ordination.


  I have held a District License and served in a full-time ministry assignment for at least three consecutive years. I understand that if my ministry assignment has been less than full-time, an adjustment will be made in this time-in-service requirement.
  I have completed an accredited Nazarene Course of Study in preparation for ordination.
  I have been recommended for a fourth (or more) District License and for ordination by my local church board and the District Advisory Board.
  I have completed my Supervised Ministry Experience Portfolio as required by the Central Cal. District SME syllabus and have mailed it to the District office.
  I am able to articulate or defend any one of the Articles of Faith

Ministerial Education

Validated courses of study toward fulfilling, the educational requirements for licensing and ordination as a minister on the Central District:

Point Loma Nazarene University
Academic Degree Programs

Nazarene Bible College
Academic Degree Programs
Non-Academic Online Course of Study

Nazarene Specialty Theological Education (Spanish Course of Study)
Director: Roberto Hodgson -
Registrar: Mario Zani -
Dean: Leonel DeLeon

Nazarene Theological Seminary
Graduate and Post-Graduate Education